Sunday, June 23, 2013

A healthy school community


‘A nutritious school lunch increases children’s concentration, improves their behavior in class, and their chances of doing well and achieving their best at school’.-
School Food Trust Lunch and Learning Behaviour in Primary Schools 2009 

The aim of Munch is to share and swap healthy and fun lunch box ideas within our school and the wider community.

With obesity levels rising and poor diet linked to not only behavioral issues but also chronic illness, the Australian Government is getting the message out there that we need to be more aware of what our children are eating.

Healthy Lunch box ideas for busy families

We are all so busy these days, and a lot of us think we don’t have time to put together a healthy lunch for our children.

With a little bit of forward planning, a nutritious lunch can be made in less than 5 mins, everyday.

Here are a few tips…

Wash and chuck in whole fruits and vegetables. No cutting required.
Keep tins of beans and left over pasta and rice for quick and easy salads.

Occasional treats are ok. Home made is best. But remember, lollies are for parties, not everyday school lunches.

Make extra sushi for the following days school lunches. Most kid’s love making and eating it. Home made popcorn can be made while you make your morning tea or coffee.

And for those of you who are making multiple school lunches, here are Jo’s three lunches she made in three minutes.

Keep it simple. Keep it healthy. Get the kids involved.

We hope you enjoy our lunch box ideas.

We would love to see our whole school community embrace a healthy life style. It is much easier if we all do this together. It is hard for children to enjoy their carrots if the child next to them is eating Wizz Fizz.

If you would like to contribute or discuss any ideas, please leave a comment below, and we will get back to you.

The best place to start is to clear out your pantry and fridge. Get rid of the highly processed snacks and instead stock it full of healthy fresh food, and as a whole family make eating well a priority.

To keep it simple, here is a quote I have pinned up in my kitchen.

You won’t regret eating well, and your children will one-day thankyou for it.

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