Sunday, March 24, 2013

The two Michelles.

We had our school council meeting last week, where we proposed our idea of putting together a working party to tackle the issues of nutrition, the school canteen etc etc. 

They are thinking it over.

We might just be inclined to give up if it wasn't for inspiring women who are leading the way with this cause. First lady of the U.S.A Michelle Obama and Australian fitness queen Michelle Bridges. 

Michelle Obama has initiated her 'LetsMove'and'MyPlate'campaignes in order to save the children in her country from obesity. It would be so good to see something similar happening in Australia.

Here is a link to Michelle Bridges column in The Ages Sunday Life Magazine. for more information.

I hope our government/schools/parents do something before it is too late. 

2 minute lunch box idea
It actually takes less time to make a healthy lunch that it does to fill out a lunch order!


  1. Indeed babe, I really would like to see sausage rolls, mini quiches banned from our schools. I know they are easy and quick fixes but these are the foods that are making our kids sooo unhealthy.

    Thanks so much for stopping by xx Dani

    1. And it just makes no sense when most children will eat sushi,rice paper wraps and salads anyway. It is not 1978!
